After more than 30 years of engaging with young people through the arts, it’s become clear that in addition to working with youth to generate new innovative leaders, Voices United needs to support its alumni, artists and warriors of change doing important, meaningful and difficult work throughout our country. The organization is offering retreats, virtual gatherings, workshops and digital resources that are designed to nourish and support artists and warriors of change.
Additionally, our international touring and exchange work over the years has broadened our reach and understanding of other places and cultures, but our work in Lesotho, inspired something new and exciting. There is a magical authenticity in Lesotho and in its
people that is a powerful reminder of our history and traditional cultures. We saw “Ubuntu” in action and knew this needed to be shared with Americans who struggle to define community. Ubuntu has various meanings throughout Africa but they all fundamentally mean the same thing, I am because We are. As Voices United grows its programing and physical presence, building “Voices United Village,” in Lesotho, felt like the next obvious direction in supporting youth, our alumni, artists and change makers, Voices United US & Voices United Village Lesotho will inspire new leaders and bring Ubuntu to our communities in the US.
A Center of Culture, Art & Learning in Lesotho
Inspiring Humanity Through the Power of Creative Expression
Voices United is building a village in Lesotho that will bring vitality, skills, knowledge, jobs, art, and inspiration to the people of Lesotho and the world, where ALL people can come together to take action and make the world a better place!
The village will have an Education & Resource Center, a Center of Art, a Youth Center, a Nature Center, and a Cultural Retreat Center that is comfortable and accessible to people from the region and abroad. The resources in each of the components of the village will be FREE for everyone! Voices United Village will connect local peoples to jobs, resources, facilities, professional development, youth development, medical resources, technology, history and more. Classes, workshops, programs, and offerings a free for all and content is informed by people from the region.
Voices United Village members will have the opportunity to contribute to the content, resources, and offerings at the village.